Cover iphone 7 music A talk on the beach in Punta del Este and the wise advice of an old friend- Back Cover Protettiva-fdunip

“I was in Punta del Este, I needed to clear myself and I wanted to go see soccer. Pearol and Wanderers played. So, I contacted a cover samsung a3 johnny cash friend I had there and we went by taxi to watch that game. There I discovered Francescoli. And when I saw him, I immediately said: player is for River It was elegant. Joe Milton Jersey With good technique and high quality. I realized when I saw the way the ball stopped, how I received it, how it was unmarked, how I handled the ball, how I got rivals off it. A player for River “, narrated Alonso in dialogue with Clarion.

Alonso felt a great unease at that time. He had had to leave the club of his loves a month before (he later joined Vlez) forced by circumstances after the conflict with Alfredo Di Stfano (DT in 1981) and President Rafael Aragn Cabrera prior to the final of the National 81 that River He beat Ferro in Caballito with a goal from led cover samsung galaxy note 4 Mario Kempes. Still, the mind of the Beto he was still in River, his River. Tyler Zeller UNC Jersey have to go find Francescoli, he says he told Chub Homsani while the two had their feet in the Uruguayan sand.

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Homsani has a thousand and one stories in Udaondo and Figueroa Alcorta. Today he is 83 years old and lives in his house in Palermo. T.J. Watt Jersey His son Issac is the link for Clarion I can cover samsung s6 napoli talk to him. And although in his story he coincides with Beto from the talk about Francescoli on the beach in Punta, it gives another version of how he learned of the cover samsung s4 stelline existence of Francescoli.

“The first one he told me about Francescoli was the owner of the Forte di Makalle restaurant in Montevideo. A man named Ernesto, already deceased. ‘Go to see a kid from Wanderers who plays very well. His name is Enzo Francescoli. kanken art ‘ So I mentioned this to Alonso on the beach and he told me that a Wanderers leader, who stopped at the iphone 6s custodiaiphone 6 custodia myckuu same place where Plus/iPhone 6S Plus 5.5 inch Cool cover samsung galaxy s7 edge tumblr he was staying in Punta del Este, had told him about cover samsung s4 black edition Francescoli. the following winter, already with Vladislao Cap as technician, Homsani organized miglior cover samsung s9 with the Polish the trip to Montevideo to go see that dazzling Uruguayan. Jos Manuel accompanied them Gun Vzquez, assistant to Cap.

“Cap told me that they had warned him about a player from Uruguay. And we went to see him with him and with Chub. We saw him on the Wanderers court. Mike Wallace Jersey I think the party was against Progreso. We sit on a tribune behind an arch. lsu tigers football jerseys OSU Jersey And we immediately realized that it was a phenomenon, “said Vzquez in dialogue with this newspaper.

was elegant. He was a player for River. And I was finally convinced when I met his family, very correct people, Homsani.

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Upon returning to Buenos cover samsung s9 plus tumblr Aires, Homsani told Aragn Cabrera. Packers Division Champs Gear And the negotiations began. was difficult because Aragon first offered a loan of $ 5,000 and an option of $ 200,000 but Wanderers did not accept. I asked for more money “, he narrated.

After several twists and turns, and a long time of negotiation, which included days of meetings of up to six hours, Homsani assures that he insisted so much that he managed to convince Aragon Cabrera to spend more money. Troy Polamalu USC Jersey Finally, the operation was completed for $ 310,000. Cap could not see Enzo landing in River since he died in September 1982 of fulminant cancer.

Enzo Francescoli dons the River shirt for the first time in his pre training presentation on Friday, April 22, 1983, two days before his debut with the red band.

Enzo first put on the red band on April 24, 1983. Jos Varacka was the coach. At first it was difficult for him to adapt. He suffered with Luis Cubilla, who put him at 8. Those who walk the corridors of the Monumental many years ago say that he did it because he wanted to wear it down. He would even have told some leaders (Hugo Santilli was amazon cover samsung galaxys5 already president) that he wanted to do without Enzo. Cubilla then left and with the arrival of Bambino cover samsung a5 2017 blu Veira to the technical direction in 1984 and the change of position to play from 9, his position, Francescoli exploded. And it triumphed.

Flaco deserves the career he did and have become a benchmark and idol for River fans because he was a great player and for the kind of person he is, said Alonso. 37 flip cover iPhone 6 / 6s Hoesje Zwart x Roze samsung j7 years have passed. And a lot of history.

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Claudio Morresi, a sidekick on che fatica la vita da bomber cover samsung the court: was an immense player was a huge player. And he was not cover samsung s8 unieuro only an immense player and scorer, but he also had that plus that few scorers have: he made him score goals for the rest. kanken art laptop 15” Enzo would return a wall to you, give you a pass that would leave you alone in front of the goal, overflow you and throw you a center behind. It accumulated characteristics that another nine do not have.

The society that we put together with him in the 85/86 championship was born from the fact that we found ourselves in different places on the field, as it has to Star custodia For Iphone 7 7 Plus 6 6s happen in the case of the small societies that are formed in football, either in attack or in defending. The meetings were taking place from the moment we were united by that great passion to reach the opposite goal through the associated game. New York Jets Hats And the wall is the clearest demonstration of the cover samsung a5 2016 clear view need for the other to lean on him and that the other in turn allows you to participate with his return from a situation where we are eliminating several rivals in an associated way. Two who get together to take away the problems that are approaching him from the others, the rivals, who try to recover the ball.

Enzo was always very correct in the game, very responsible in everything that had to do with iPhone X custodias Snowman Liquid Quicksand the group. And off the field he had actions that were very supportive. I want to highlight two: one when Uruguay, his country, was voted to start the trials of the military there who had committed the coup and crimes against humanity. He campaigned and voted for that to happen. Then the election was lost and that did not happen but he had the courage, the courage, and the decision to accompany. And the other in which I was with him was the decision to accompany the Grandmothers of cover samsung s 10 plus originale specchio Plaza de Mayo in search of their grandchildren. iowa state jersey This was in 1998 and it was not common at that time for soccer to approach this type of action. And he had that clear position. Off the court Enzo is also a person who commits himself for just causes.

His transformation into an idol of River has to Buy Iphone Covers of best quality and do with the fact that there are players who awaken passions in people based on their technical capacity, their importance at decisive moments, the achievements in which that player has participated and therefore making them part of all the people in his club. Trent Irwin Jersey And Enzo put all this together.

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