Coque huawei cun-l21 amazon How To Take A Screenshot On Samsung Galaxy A70s créer une coque samsung -coque samsung j3 2016 personnalisable-lonjem

Follow coque huawei p20 lite stranger things these steps coque huawei p8 lite 2017 harley davidson to capture coque huawei y5-ii a screenshot coque huawei p8 lite refermable in your Samsung Galaxy device:

Step 1: Get the content you want to capture ready on coque huawei p8 lite personnalisée your phone screen (webpage, remboursement coque huawei Game score, WhatsApp chatetc).

Step 2: Press the Volume Down and Power coque coque iphone 6 gabon huawei ascend mate 7 personnaliser Keys at the same time, And you coque huawei y5 2 or coque iphone 6 rat hear the camera shutter sound and see a short flashing animation coque huawei mate 10pro on the coque pour iphone 6 or phone screen.

Step 3: The coque huawei mate 10 lite carbone operating system of your phone coque huawei p9 pokemon saves the captured screenshot créer sa coque huawei p8 lite in the Screenshots coque iphone 6 bts kpop coque huawei p8 lite wolf folder. To see coque huawei y5 ii starbucks the screenshot photo iphone 6 coque dybala go to Gallery App > Screenshots. Alternatively, you coque huawei p8 lite version 2017 can use My Files app to open the Screenshots folder.

Step 4: Once you find the screenshot photo, You can coque huawei p8 lite transparent share it with your friends and family via any Social application, Email, Or send it coque huawei p9 musique to another device coque huawei y6 2018 marvel via a Bluetooth or WiFi connection. Alternatively, any sharing options available coque iphone 6 horizon on your Samsung Galaxy device…